$299.00 – Chemicals, vacuuming included.

$319.00 – Chemicals, vacuuming included.

$339.00 – Chemicals, vacuuming included.

$359.00 – Chemicals, vacuuming included.
* Attached spa – add $75.00 *
Crystal Clear closes your pool thoroughly with the utmost professionalism. As a part of our pool closing services we will first completely vacuum and skim the pool, drop the water level just below the returns and blow out the suction and return lines with a fierce 314 KMH blast. We will then plug the return, suction and equalize the lines (a foam rope is put in the returns and an equalizing line and a gizmo or compensator is put in the skimmer). Deck equipment is removed and stored in the owners desired location. The pool is then shocked with 22 litres of sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine) and the pool cover and water bags are reinstalled. The filtration equipment is completely winterized, including closing the heaters' main gas shut-off valve. Proper winterizing is crucial to prevent unwanted and expensive underground repairs in the spring.
$299.00 – Chemicals, vacuuming included.
$319.00 – Chemicals, vacuuming included.
$339.00 – Chemicals, vacuuming included.
$359.00 – Chemicals, vacuuming included.
* Attached spa – add $75.00 *